Monday, May 21, 2012

Arian - Sea Turtles

Habitat Diorama Created by Arian

Sea Turtles
By Arian
        Did you  know   that  a  sea turtle    has   the   longest   shell?   If   I   had   to    choose   one   animal, it   will  be  a   sea turtle.  First   of  all,  sea turtles   habitat  is  the     salty  ocean  with  lots  of   sea friends   love  to  use  it’s   shell.  Also,  sea turtles   have  many  useful  adaptations. One adaptation   is   it   has   a   shell  to     protect    itself   from  prey.     Lastly,  sea turtles  are    omnivores   that  eat  seaweed, sea grass,  and  jellyfish. Clearly,  snakes  are  great  animals, but sea turtles are  the best!  I  hope  when you pick a book, you pick sea turtles.                    

1 comment:

  1. This is a really good research about sea turtles. I will get a book about sea turtles to ready next time. Good job.
