Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Jade - Living Lion

Habitat Diorama Created by Jade

Living Lion
Written by Jade
        Did you know that there can be up to forty lions in a pride? Even though the polar bear is big, the lion is even bigger. Lions live in savannah grasslands, have useful adaptations, and eat lots of meat.
        First of all, lions live in savanna grasslands in South and Middle West of Africa. There are very few trees, but lots of grass. The trees that grow there are called Acacia trees. The Sahara savannah has the longest river called the Nile River. There are many plants and animals. The lion is losing there habitat because of people building cities over their area.
        To continue, lion’s adaptations are very helpful for them to survive. Their soft paws help them be quiet, so they can sneak up on their pray. They also have a loud roar that you can hear five miles from the pride. Lion’s sharp teeth and claws help them tear into delicious meat.
        Finally, lions are carnivores that eat many types of meat. They can eat rabbits, antelope, zebras, and gazelles. They eat lots of big animals. They are predators to many animals. They also eat impalas.
         Clearly, even though there are many animals I love, the lion is my favorite. It is clear that the lion lives in the Sahara grasslands, has useful adaptations, and eats lots of meat. You should help save their habitat.                                                                                                                                         

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